杜小文Tao Siuman廣告導演/剪輯師/視效總監/動畫導演Director/Editor/CG Supervisor/Animation Director

關於 About.

杜小文 Tao Siuman廣告導演/剪輯師/視效總監/動畫導演Director/Editor/CG Supervisor/Animation Director

Rich advertising experience and cultural background


Graduated from Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français and worked for Atlantis Télévision and Time Warner Group. Was engaged in many industries, such as gallery, design and advertisement in France. After returning to China, nearly 10 years of advertising director experience has served FMCG, fashion, automobile, hotel, jewelry, games, Internet and other industries.

  • 電話 Mobile : +86 15801474538
  • 郵件 Email : mail@duxiaowen.com.cn
  • 網站 Website : duxiaowen.com.cn
作品集 portfolio.

Win For You騰訊遊戲 Tencent Games

中秋節 Mid-Autumn CG Film威弛克 VHQ

天使之路新疆篇 Road to Angel騰訊愛奇藝 Tencent & iQiyi


米拉吉汗 Mirajihan阿力普 Alipu

華為GT3手錶 Huawei GT3 Watch華為 Huawei

Dior × Nova Fashion Film迪奧 Dior

2020 神轉折 Divine transition馬爹利 Martell

坐在對面的陌生人阿力普 Alipu

朗維高男裝 LAVICO海瀾 Hailan

燃茶魏大勛 Burning Tea Wei Daxun燃茶 Burning Tea

旋轉木馬 Carousel MV奇童兄弟 Chino Broz

簡歷 Resume.

工作經歷 Work Experience

目前 Now


Director/Editor/CG Supervisor/Animation Director_Freelancer


Can independently complete the creativity and treatment of the film, work with a stable team can complete the production. Also can participate in all aspects of advertising or film production in other forms of cooperation.

2021 - 2022


Production Manager/Executive Producer_VHQ Beijing

1、 根据客户 Brief 确定创意方案,制定和完善制作公司創意闡述和执行脚本
2、 监制影片拍摄和后期制作环节
7、制作过程中协调客户部门、IT 部门、研发部门、制片部门、视效部门、各环节制作组之间在项目不同阶段遇到的沟通和技术问题

1. Determine the creative scheme according to the customer brief, formulate and improve the company's treatment and execution script
2. Supervise film shooting and post production
3. Overall planning of production scheduling for nearly 100 artists from post production teams
4. Establish and improve necessary technical processes and team skills improvement plans according to market and project needs
5. Supervise and control project quotation and cost control plan
6. In different types of pre and post projects, he participated in the production details control as a supervisor, director, editor, animation director, visual effects supervisor, etc. to ensure the smooth delivery of the film
7. During the production process, coordinate the communication and technical problems encountered by the customer department, IT department, R&D department, production department, visual effect department and production teams at different stages of the project

2014 - 2021


Founder_OMNI & Genlte Bandit Company

作為創始人在巴黎先後創建OMNI SPACE藝術空間及概念店、OMNI GALLERY畫廊、OMNI FILM短片制作公司。 成功策劃巴黎19區Belleville城區8位藝術家聯展La Ville Continent(城市板塊),其中藝術品以最高價2000歐元成交。 成功策劃旅法美國藝術家Rachel Marks個人展,聯合展覽和音樂網站MailTape以及Vendredi樂隊策劃了Rachel Marks × Vendredi音樂及舞蹈創作全程公開展。 OMNI FILM參與制作了短片《瞬步/Shunpo》、《巴黎最後壹夜/Last Night In Paris》,真人秀《Tattoo Room》,音樂錄影帶《Un Petit Ange》《Ma Belle》,宣傳片《香港法國五月藝術節》等。
回國後創立好傢伙Gentle Bandit製作公司,服務過Dior、IMIS、Emphasis、Martell、元氣森林、高絲、歐樂B、海瀾、韓束、碧歐泉等品牌以及ELLE、愛奇藝等媒體。

As the founder, he has successively established OMNI SPACE art space and concept store, OMNI GALLERY gallery and OMNI FILM short film production company in Paris. Successfully planned a joint exhibition of 8 artists in Belleville, Paris 19 (city sector), in which the highest price of art was 2000 euros. Successfully planned the solo exhibition of Rachel Marks, an American artist in France. The joint exhibition and music website MailTape and Vendredi band planned Rachel Marks × Vendredi Music and Dance Creation Exhibition. OMNI FILM has participated in the production of short films such as Last Night in Paris, reality show Tattoo Room, music videos such as Un Petit Ange, Ma Belle, and promotional films such as Hong Kong France May Art Festival.
After returning to China, he founded Gene Bandit production company, serving Dior, IMIS, Emphasis, Martell, GENKI FOREST, Kosé, Oral-B, Hailan, Hans, Biotherm and other brands, as well as ELLE, iQIYI and other media.

2012 - 2014


Editor_Time Warner Turner Studio

主要負責法國上映影片的預告片剪輯工作,先後完成過《變形金剛3月之暗面》、《加勒比海盜4驚濤怪浪》、《馴龍騎士》、《超能失控》、《藝術家》、《白雪公主之魔鏡魔鏡》、 《諸神之怒》、《普羅米修斯》、《勇敢傳說》、《生化危機5:懲罰》、《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士掘起》、《雲圖》、《少年派的奇幻漂流》等多部影片的法國版預告片剪輯。

Mainly responsible for editing the trailer of the film released in France. He has successively completed Transformers in the Dark in March, Pirates of the Caribbean in 4 Waves and Strange Waves, Dragon Training Knight, Super Power Out of Control, Artist, Snow White's Mirror The French version of the trailer clip of many films, such as "The Wrath of the Gods", "Prometheus", "The Brave Legend", "Biochemical Crisis 5: Punishment", "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises", "Cloud Picture", "The Fantasy Drift of the Teenagers", etc.

2011 - 2012


Internal Editor_Atlantis Télévision GTNCO

主要負責法國本土真人秀的剪輯工作,曾經參與過《Princesse》、《Pékin Express》等系列真人秀的剪輯制作。

He was mainly responsible for the editing of local French reality shows, and had participated in the editing and production of series of reality shows such as Princess and Pékin Express

學習經歷 Education Experience

2012 - 2014


Institut Technique Supérieur du Management International_International Marketing Management

2010 - 2012


Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français_1er Assistant Réalisation / Montage Cinématographique et Audiovisuelle

2005 - 2009


University of Science and Technology Beijing_Material Science and Engeering

技能 skills.

專業技能 Professional Skills

  • 策劃及文案 Creativity

  • 視頻腳本及分鏡頭 Script

  • 項目拍攝執行 Execution

  • 後期制作 Post-Production

  • 動態預覽 Previs

  • 音樂製作 Compose

  • 製片 Production

  • 調色 Color Grading


語言技能 Language Skills

  • 100%

    中文 Chinese

  • 85%

    法文 French

  • 80%

    英文 English

個人標簽 Self Tag

  • 雄心 Ambition
  • 自信 Confidence
  • 創新 Innovation
  • 正義 Justice
  • 信譽 Reputation
  • 準時 Punctual
  • 逗逼 Fun
  • 真誠 Sincerity
  • 品味 Taste

軟件技能 Software Skills

Shogun / FTrack
Blender / AE
Final Cut Pro / AVID / Premiere
PS / AI / ID
Logic PRO



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